Seats of Power in the Subtle Anatomy
The Abrelian Energy System | Designed by Abri Cat Rogers | Part One
The subtle anatomy is a complex system of energy centers, channels, and subpoints. All of these features are always moving, flowing, and changing. Within my practice, I have developed a means of breaking down the complex system into smaller subsections that allow one to gauge better where their power is concentrated within the subtle anatomy. Not only that, but these Seats as I call them, help us define our strengths and lend a means to decipher how to strengthen other areas of our energetic form. While the subtle anatomy is very fluid, so are the Seats. There may be times when one Seat is more prominent than the other. With time and changing circumstances, that can shift, revealing areas of growth and further development.
The Seats
There are three primary Seats in the body and they are: the Seat of Will, the Seat of Connection, and the Seat of Instinct. The fourth Seat, the Gate of the Divine, is present in each of us and doesn’t often overlap with our physical form. While its activity deeply impacts our subtle body and our soul, the Gate of the Divine engages with the whole of our subtle anatomy and thus stands somewhat apart from the three primary Seats.
Gate of the Divine
Whether it be god, goddess, deities, divine, cosmos, the universe, or whatever your belief in higher power aligns with, this is where it connects to you. The Gate of the Divine is the Crown energy center, a point(s) at the top of the subtle anatomy, often at the crown of the skull or just outside of the body. The Crown, often considered in Westernized chakra systems, is a point that is often attributed to thought, consciousness, and wisdom, and aligns with spiritual awakening. Similarly, in Eastern chakra systems, this point is referred to as the Sahasrara which means “thousands'' in Sanskrit as is the chakra is often depicted as a lotus flower with a thousand petals.
Within my system, developed over twenty years of working with the subtle anatomy, I agree with the belief that this initial point is the Gate to the Divine. As it is an entry point of information beyond us, it is capable of tuning into different types of information. What I see in the subtle structures are individuals who receive more information than transmit, often with structures around to help block out unwanted information. Others will hold open their crown very wide, taking in vast amounts of information, but often struggle to discern from where it came from. This Gate is also the Gate to the Higher Self, the immortal part of the soul for some, or the connection point to the Akashic Library, if you subscribe to that thought.
Since belief, religion, and spirituality differ drastically from person to person, I prefer to create language around this more neutral point. It is the Gate that connects us to the potent and powerful beyond us and that connection can influence the whole of our subtle anatomy.
The Seat of Will
This Seat typically comprises the energy centers of the Third Eye and the Throat and has significant proximity to the Divine Gate. This proximity to the Divine means of the three Seats, is often more influenced by the Gate of the Divine in how it processes information that comes from beyond us and our physical world. The Third Eye, often depicted between the eyes but can be positioned anywhere in and around the head, while the Throat lies below this somewhere between the eyes and the clavicle. These two points comprise the Seat of Will, working in conjunction with each other to see the psychic world and process energetic information while also allowing us to speak our experiences and manifest our desires into the world. Individuals who carry much of their power in this Seat often present as having strengths in perception, thought, logic, and manifesting their Will outward.
The Seat of Connection
When I was comprising the Seats, naming this Seat had two iterations: the Seat of Empathy and the Seat of Connection. While this Seat does comprise both the Heart energy center and the Solar Plexus, the center of self, it is far more the just empathy. What truly governs this Seat is Connection, both to self and to others. The two energy centers here function well together to bring us towards our life goals and allow us to be part of community, an integral part of the human experience. The Heart centers empathy and the emotional connection to the world, friends, family, and self. The Solar Plexus is the center of our deepest, most authentic energy. From this point, we can engage both upwards towards the mind or downwards towards the physical world from our subtle anatomy. It is the driver’s seat. Individuals who hold their energy primarily in the Seat of Connection will often present as empaths, communicators, diplomats, and those seeking progressive movement.
The Seat of Instinct
The Seat of Instinct rides low in the body at our pelvis and comprises our Sacral and Root energy centers. It is the metaphorical Seat of listening to your gut, trusting your body, and connecting to the environment. It is the most tangible energy. The most grounded and centered. The Sacral is best described as the engine of the subtle form and it thrives off of life and living. It feeds our subtle form with experiences and converts those experiences into useable energy that nourishes our subtle body. The Root is the most physical connection to the world around us. It connects us to the environment and allows us to engage in the energies of the ground itself while functioning as the energy center that grants us stability. Individuals who have most of their energy in the Seat of Instinct present as sturdy, well-grounded individuals who often exude calmness or an intense physicality. They experience the world from a place of Instinct, being far more present in the moment and in their bodies.