The Seat of Instinct
The Seat of Instinct comprises the Sacral and Root energy centers. These two points and their associated subtle structures encompass the foundation of physicality, being present, and being grounded. They are critical to how we engage with the world and life. This Seat of power is one of living in the moment, being in our bodies, and being sure that we are able to have safety and security within our subtle and physical bodies.
The Gate of Life
The Sacral energy center is often found below the naval and can represent living life in the present. It is the center of enjoying what life offers, such as eating good food, dancing, sex, romance, and more. A more interesting facet of this energy center is for many subtle bodies, this is the area that must be ‘fed’ with experiences. It provides vital energy for the subtle system and ends up being the fuel to help drive wants, desires, and more. When our basic needs are met, it generates and inspires us to tackle our goals and discovery. For creatives and artists, it is the energy center that must be plied with experience to help generate creativity. It is also an energy center that craves freedom and can be a powerful element when doing work around stress relief in your day-to-day life. This energy center is one that shifts and changes from day to day based on what it is that we are doing. While stressors in our life can be connected to our emotions or our thoughts, the sacral is the focal point in order to find the relief one may need from life and living stress.
The sacral is a powerhouse within the subtle anatomy. When it rides high, up against our solar plexus, it can lend a lot of energy to our direction and goals in life. Depending on an individual’s subtle anatomy, this may manifest in a lack of sacral energy, drawing the center higher to try and get as much to the center of self as possible or flood the solar plexus, inspiring ample drive and motivation. When this energy center rides low, towards the root, it can be either from a need to ground and be more present or to help vent off a build-up of excess energies within the subtle structures of the body.
Often when doing readings, I encourage many of my clients to feed their sacral energy center. Those who are deeply empathic or come from a Heart-centered space, prone to over-giving or self-neglect, need to treat themselves to fun, experiences, and positive energies. As cliché as it sounds, self-care isn’t just a passing fancy and excuse to drink wine. It’s necessary to keep the subtle and physical body balanced.
The Gate of the Present
The Root, in my experience, is the most well known and yet most misunderstood energy center in the subtle anatomy. Located at the base of the pelvis in most cases, it is known to be the center of grounding within the subtle anatomy. That is true, but that notion is somewhat vague. We have to begin at understanding grounding and working backward from there to understand the full scope of the Root. Grounding to most presents as either a method to self-soothe, release too much energy, or a connection to the earth, often the literal ground. Within the subtle anatomy, grounding as a release of excess energy is true but also includes releasing energy that is out of sync with our subtle structures. These out-of-sync energies shift for us as well. One day the energy is what we need while the next, the same energy may be what we need to release. The Root fluidly processes energies in our body, releasing what is unwanted or transmuting energy from what doesn’t serve us into something that might.
Our Root is deeply connected to the physical world, more specifically, the present moment. It is, in some ways, the energy of our fundamental needs. It is our drive to live, survive, and seek shelter. It is reliability, focus, and presence of mind. It cycles best through physical activity and physical care while giving us a sense of sturdiness in all the things we do. To become present in your Root energies, you must be utterly of and in the moment. That is far easier said than done but can be achieved with routine meditation or exercise.
Of all the energy centers, the Root is most often blocked specifically by fear. Fear erodes the foundations of safety and security, unmooring us to feel as though we are drifting. Cultivating a healthy understanding of our fears and how to work through them is deep Root work that therapy often assists with. It is hard to maintain a bright and thriving Root when the fear of losing your home, losing your job, not being good enough, et cetera consumes your present moments and obliterates the ability to enjoy your life. It is important, even within psychology, to cultivate a strong foundation, addressing our basic needs, in order to build towards thriving. Our Root, likewise, is critical to our subtle structures and anatomy, providing a healthy foundation for the other energy centers to do what they do best.